Hey there, thanks for stopping by to take a look at these yummy treats. I can tell from the trusty google tracking softwares that people are stopping by here regularly despite my pathetic post rate. There are just so many outlets out there it's difficult to post everywhere and frankly a little boring to post the same things on each site. So I'm mixing it up a bit.
Anyway, a lot has been going on. I have become a preferred vendor at a few more places and wedding interest and bookings are up. :) I just installed a showcase at Rittenhouse Square's Radisson Plaza-Warwick Hotel and a "meet the artist" party will be announced soon. I've been shooting parties as well (I'll be at the Moshulu tonight for a corporate gig...foul weather and the high seas, arrrrgh) and I've recently had a chance to indulge in more commercial work shooting offerings from a well known wedding invitation designer, a nationally represented artist's work, and most recently FOOD! I've always wanted to get more involved with food photography and have done a few shoots for caterers and restaurants over the years and now I can add Chocolatier to my list :)